
Iman’s Journey: From Escaping Syria to Studying in France


Iman’s Journey: From Escaping Syria to Studying in France

A student from Relief International’s remedial education programs in Jordan has reached an extraordinary milestone by earning a university scholarship.

Iman is set to start a master’s degree at Boité University through a scholarship awarded by the French embassy in Jordan—a success that highlights the impact of supporting young people to realize their full potential.

Iman has made an incredible transformation on her educational journey–from needing to catch up with her studies through a Relief International remedial education program to preparing to pursue her master’s degree in France.

"After experiencing life in a refugee camp and living in a tent at the borders, I felt that journalism would help me share the experiences of the people around me because they are underrepresented,"Iman shares.

Before fleeing to Jordan from Syria in 2016, Iman’s family lived in Homs, Syria. Our situation was stable until suddenly the war started,” she says.  Iman’s family moved around within Syria hoping the situation would calm down. After changing homes for the third time, they decided the situation was too unstable and dangerous. “We left because staying might have cost someone in the family their life,” she adds.

Whilst living in Al Azraq refugee camp in Jordan, Iman’s friends mentioned Relief International, telling her the organization provided educational support. “I started with Relief International in grade 10 and without them, I believe I would have gotten a lower average. In addition to school subjects, I took a livelihoods workshop. The focus was on life skills training, which was so important.”



Speaking about starting her studies in Boité, “I’m excited to live a new life away from the refugee camp and to prove myself and my capabilities. At the same time, I’m emotional about leaving my life here.”

“Many Syrians cannot afford medications or cover basic expenses, especially in the refugee camp. My aspirations are to help my family get out of the refugee camp. I also want to show the reality of people who are not lucky in life and face these really difficult circumstances.”

The efforts of the Relief International team in Jordan have been instrumental in supporting students like Iman to achieve things once thought impossible. Our project, which aimed to enhance educational opportunities for children and livelihood opportunities for youth has supported over 2,000 Syrian refugees.

This achievement reflects the incredible resilience of community members like Iman, as well as the dedication of the team in Jordan and key partners, such as Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). Together, they demonstrate what is possible when we work collaboratively to help communities restore their lives.

From facing challenges of refugee life to earning a prestigious scholarship, Iman’s story inspires hope for others walking a similar path, showing that they too can fulfil their goals against all odds.



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