
RI Lebanon Country Director Speaks to CNN about Lebanon Crisis


RI Lebanon Country Director Speaks to CNN about Lebanon Crisis


Relief International Lebanon Country Director speaks to CNN on Lebanon Crisis

Relief International Lebanon Country Director speaks to CNN on Lebanon Crisis

Country Director for Lebanon Giacomo Baldini spoke with CNN International on September 25, 2024 about the crisis unfolding in Lebanon.


Relief International Country Director for Lebanon Giacomo Baldini spoke with CNN International on September 25, 2024 about the crisis unfolding in Lebanon.

Ongoing airstrikes, mostly in the south of Lebanon but also reaching the east and northeast, have resulted in more than 500 people being killed and more than 1,800 injured, with numerous women and children among the casualties.

The number of people being displaced is far surpassing 100,000. Civilians are being forced to flee to Beirut, Chouf, Aley, and the north of the country in the hopes of escaping the ongoing violence in the south and Dahyie.

“Families are arriving at collective shelters with very little and they are in desperate need of basic supplies like mattresses to sleep on and soap to wash with,” says Giacomo Baldini.

“People are distressed and in need of mental health support. They are fearful about the violence, the escalating situation, and the uncertainty of what will happen in the future.”

“Medical supplies at our health facilities in the south, Beirut, Mount Lebanon and Beqaa are at risk of depleting rapidly due to the amount of acute trauma care required over recent days. The prospect of running out of stock entirely is a real possibility but we are doing everything we can to secure more.”

“Moving forward, more funding is desperately required to support primary health care centres, to restock medical supplies, and to support newly displaced communities. We condemn the ongoing hostilities and call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire.”


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